Thursday, February 6, 2014

Veggie filled lasagna rolls

1 cup diced broccoli
1 cup diced zucchini
1 cup diced green pepper
1 cup diced white onion
2 tbsp evoo
1/2 tbsp Italian seasoning
Dash kosher salt
8 oz shredded Italian cheese
1 box lasagna pasta
1 jar tomato pasta sauce

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Fill a large stock pot 3/4 of the way with water, add 1 tbsp evoo and a dash of salt
2. While water comes to a boil, heat a large sauté pan. Add the rest of your olive oil. Toss vegetables in Italian seasoning and add to pan. Once heated add vegetables. Sauté until close to done (they will cook some in the oven)
3. When water comes to a boil add your pasta. Cook 15-20 minutes until done.
4. Strain pasta and allow to cool.
5. In a large baking dish pour enough tomato sauce to cover the bottom.
6. Roll pasta out on a plate and spread a small layer of cheese on each noodle. Top with vegetables then roll and place in baking dish.

7. Once all rolls are in place cover with sauce 

then cover with tin foil. Bake for 45 minutes. 

You can either place in the fridge for later (recommended to allow pasta to set) or remove tin foil, top with remaining cheese and set oven to broil until cheese is melted - about 3-5 minutes.
8. If you refrigerated your pasta preheat your oven once again to 350 and bake for 45 minutes. Then remove tin foil, top with cheese and broil until done.

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