I woke up after 3 hours of sleep - the NCAA Football Championships were last night and McKinley has been teething like a mad woman. I am tired just being alive right now in my second trimester, let alone going a night with next-to-no sleep. McKinley, my busy little darling, really doesn't suffer too much from lack of sleep, so she has been up and on the move while I have been crawling like a college student working on a 3-day hangover - not that I would know.
After clearing out the dead mouse in the garage (we have a family pooping in our dog's food bowls lately, so they must go - sorry animal lovers) busting the screen on my cell phone (NOOO), getting McKinley into new pants after a blowout at the Y, and cleaning up this mess...
I decided to formulate a plan for days like these. I sat down with my computer, salad and muffin and began to think... I can't remember my own name half the time with this pregnancy brain, so having a set of guidelines will come in handy.
1. Have an outlet
For me, this is the gym. On weekday mornings McKinley and I wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed and head out to the gym. This gives me the opportunity to socialize with my other fit mom friends and do something good for my body for the day while McKinley burns off a little energy and plays with her friends.
2. Have a schedule
I cannot stress this enough! It has helped me and McKinley immensely, both before and during this pregnancy. McKinley is a very high-stimulus child. She doesn't nap much - maybe an hour a day - and before we got on a schedule we were both going crazy. She was up and down with her nap, her eating was sparse and frustrating, and she never seemed to get enough entertainment. Every day can't be as good as others, but with a schedule she knows when to expect meals, knows when her nap is and doesn't fight it, and is all- more content.
3. Play calming music
I really like this one. It works wonders for me and McKinley loves having music on - it adds to her stimulation and is a much more positive source of sound than the television! Pandora Coffee House is my typical go-to. We play and sing, sometimes dance if there is a more up-beat song on, but more than anything it serves as a distraction for ME if McKinley is having a fussy day and I am getting caught up in my own head.
4. Have help on call
Mike, McKinley and I are three hours away from our closest family, so we understand how difficult it can be to have a helping hand when you need it. If I am having a really tough day I call a friend. They've all got kids, they know how it goes - and most of them have more than one so they know how hard it can be to have a busy toddler while pregnant. If you are new to your home and haven't made too many friends look up different Mom groups in the area and get out! There is nothing wrong with having a babysitter on standby once a week just to give yourself a day to get out either. The same goes if you are fortunate enough to have family nearby.
5. Take advantage of your community
Sometimes with toddlers, especially during the winter, it is easy to get stuck inside and flat out depressed. When Mike, McKinley and I moved here we made it a goal to really invest ourselves into this community. We sought out the popular parks, museums, attractions, you name it. Now if we are having a downer day or McKinley is just fed up with being at home and her friends aren't available for a play date, we head on down to the library or the museum and play for a couple hours.
6. Take time to relax
I know, this is so much harder than it sounds, but it is necessary. If you are anything like me you are doing and thinking 100 things at once.What's for dinner? Where are McKinley's socks? Have the dogs been out recently? Is the laundry in the dryer or did I even manage to wash anything today? When is that assignment due?
AHH! When you can, whether it's nap time or when your doting husband comes home, take 30 minutes. Take a bath. Read a book. Watch Patti Stanger or Bravo. Whatever gets you out of your head and calm for a few minutes so you can return to crazy town and finish the day.
7. Remember your husband
I say this because I am oh so guilty of not doing this and I want to remind myself as often as I can to remember him. When you are pregnant it can be hard to remember how much you love your husband. We blame him for everything, take advantage of when he is there and forget that he, too needs breaks. So remember him and ease up on yourself. Realize you two are in this together and this will help you! You have a teammate - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Go on a date together - once a month if you can. Get out and just love each other.
8. Communicate with your child
This can be a little harder for some than others depending on age, but nonetheless it is important for our babies to start to get a grasp of the situation. Tell them what Mommy is going through as your body changes. They will know something is up and although they may not understand all of it, they like that you are confiding in them and providing them with knowledge. McKinley is a sponge when it comes to new words, phrases, anything that involves her learning. We tell her there is a baby growing in Mommy's tummy. When I am tired she can often tell and says "Mommy night night?" And I say "Yes McKinley, Mommy is tired." I don't often get to nap (ha!) as a result but communicating helps her understand a little more each day.
9. Spend time together as a family
We remember how much we love our kids the most when we are proud of them. Get out together as a family. Whether it is a play date, a trip to see Grandma and Grandpa, a simple movie date with homemade popcorn in the living room: do something together that makes you all relax and smile and remember that you love each other; because in another handful of months it is just going to get busier!This was a cool day in the park this week. McKinley was thrilled to go! It didn't last long due to the chill in the air, but we had a good time getting out of the house and enjoying the sunshine. Mike took the photos.
They're pretty amazing little people when it comes down to it. When we get caught up in everything we have going on, it is really hard to remember that. So take a step back, get organized, and remember to make time for yourself. You've got another one on the way after all.
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