Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fitness for the new Mom!

I put this piece together for 417 Magazine and thought I'd share! I hope it is helpful.  More like minded posts to follow.

As a new Mom, each day is a challenge to stay fit and healthy. Having been a Division 1 collegiate swimmer, I never imagined I would be more tired than when I was doing two-a-days on top of a full load of classes; but there is nothing like the fatigue that comes with having a newborn baby. From being up-all-night, to carrying around the little 7-pound weight all day, your body takes on a whole new role: vehicle to survival.  By starting slow and building up a little each day, my daughter, McKinley, has helped me get in the best shape of my life.
Since my doctor recommended no intense physical activity for 6-8 weeks after delivery, I made my focus the good eating habits I had developed when I was pregnant, just slightly less strict (I made sure to grab a cup of coffee as soon as I could get my hands on it). I started making more of my own foods using natural substitutes, such as honey for sugar and applesauce for oil, and eating protein-rich grains like Quinoa. By making the right choices with food I noticed already I had more energy, and I needed every bit of it with the lack of sleep I was experiencing.
Before I knew it, two months had passed and I was ready to get back to exercise. The gym I belong to does not allow children under 12 weeks of age in the daycare, so I had to get creative and start small to be sure I did not hurt myself. I decided to do something I had only read about before: workout with McKinley.
I started by doing 20 minutes a day of a variety of exercises that incorporated McKinley, including: 

baby chest press

baby shoulder press

frog jumps

baby in and out abs

baby squats

Push Up Kisses

I did ten repetitions of each exercise, three times. Start off with these and listen to your body - it will tell you how much you can do. As the exercises become easier, start adding more repetitions.Whether you are a fitness fanatic or you’re turning over a new leaf since delivering your beautiful bundle, be patient, getting back in to shape takes time. 
Once I felt like I could handle the baby-and-me exercises I added in walking. Pushing a stroller up and down the hills of the Ozarks is a challenge.I added a half mile walk to my routine after my workout with McKinley every day and built up to doing it five days a week. It took time, but McKinley is now 11 months and I am up to running five miles, my best yet.
If you don't have a place to walk near you, or you're managing a house of 3+ kids, try doing a few sets of lunges across the living room while baby naps with a set of jumping jacks in between. This is another moderate cardio exercise and it works similar muscles. 
Every day is not a ground breaking workout, but if I make an effort to get to the gym and improve myself I consider it a successful day; and I am happy knowing McKinley is getting out and socializing with the other children in the nursery now that she is old enough. It is important as a Mom to do something that makes you feel good about yourself. Whether you were a former athlete or you are turning over a new leaf, your health is just as important as the health of your child and the best way to teach our children to be fit, healthy and confident is by showing them ourselves.

(We High Five one another after each workout for a job well done!)

I will continue to post additional workout recommendations and videos in the future!

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